Zen Hut

Zen Hut Lomi Massage

Our Lomi massage, infused with ancestral Hawaiian techniques, promises not just a massage but an experience of deep relaxation and spiritual healing. Why settle for anything less when you can indulge in the finest? Book your Lomi massage with Zen Hut today and embrace the holistic wellness journey.

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What is a Lomi Massage and what are the Benefits?

Originating from the Hawaiian islands, the Lomi massage, often referred to as 'Loving Hands' massage, embodies the spirit of Aloha. More than just a physical experience, it taps into the emotional and spiritual dimensions of the individual. Utilizing continuous, flowing strokes, therapists use their hands, forearms, and elbows to release tension, promote relaxation, and enhance mental clarity.

The rhythmic motions mimic the waves of the ocean, encouraging energy flow and balance. Besides the physical relaxation, benefits of Lomi massage include improved circulation, detoxification, and a harmonized state of mind. By integrating body, mind, and spirit, Lomi massage stands out as a holistic healing ritual.

Zen Hut

When Should You Get a Lomi Massage?

Consider indulging in a Lomi massage during times of transition, stress, or when seeking spiritual alignment. It's particularly beneficial for those feeling physically fatigued or emotionally drained.

Whether you're facing a new chapter in life, recovering from an emotional event, or simply wish to disconnect from the daily grind and reconnect with yourself, Lomi massage offers the therapeutic touch your body and soul yearn for.

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How to book a Lomi massage in London with Zen Hut

1) Select Lomi Massage, Set Location

How Zen Hut

Select either incall or mobile massage. Next pick Lomi massage and set when you want and when you want it.

2) Choose Your Lomi Massage Therapist

How Zen Hut

Select your Zen Hut massage therapist. Their profiles have reviews and a bio to help you choose the right fit for you.

3) Relax And Enjoy Your Lomi Massage

How Zen Hut

Wait for your trusted and vetted Zen Hut mobile massage therapist to arrive at your home.

Book Your Mobile Lomi Massage Now

How to book a Lomi incall massage in London with Zen Hut

Enter your search area, then select Lomi massage and set when you want it.

Enter your search area, then select Lomi massage and set when you want it.

Available bookings will then appear along with each therapist's location and rate.

Available bookings will then appear along with each therapist's location and rate.

Select your therapist. There are reviews, pictures and a bio to help you choose.

Select your therapist. There are reviews, pictures and a bio to help you choose.

Complete the booking, your therapist will then be ready and waiting for your arrival.

Complete the booking, your therapist will then be ready and waiting for your arrival.

Book Your Incall Lomi Massage Now

Zen Hut Lomi massage to relax and renew when you're stressed


Lomi Massage Pricing

At Zen Hut, massage therapists determine their rates, so prices differ among them. Below is a table showing average costs based on session length. Keep in mind, mobile massage rates may fluctuate further due to therapists' personalized travel fees per postcode.

(Mon - Fri)07:00AM - 21:30PM (Mon - Fri)21:30PM - 03:30AM (Sat - Sun)07:00AM - 03:30AM
60 minutes £68 £74 £74
90 minutes £78 £85 £85
120 minutes £95 £108 £108
60 min 90 min 120 min
(Mon - Fri)07:00AM -
£68 £75 £95
(Mon - Fri)21:30PM -
£74 £85 £108
(Sat - Sun)07:00AM -
£74 £85 £108
Zen Hut

Lomi Massage FAQ

Lomi massage, also known as Lomi Lomi massage or Hawaiian massage, is an ancient form of therapeutic massage that originates from Hawaii. It combines fluid, rhythmic motions using both the hands and forearms to facilitate relaxation and healing. The technique often involves long continuous strokes, stretching, and joint rotations, aiming to harmonize the body and mind.

Lomi massage is renowned for offering a host of benefits. It provides profound relaxation by easing muscle tension with its flowing strokes. Beyond just physical relaxation, the techniques employed in Lomi massage enhance blood flow and aid in the effective drainage of the lymphatic system. The experience can be deeply meditative, granting recipients a clear mind and an emotional release. As an added advantage, the gentle stretches and joint rotations integrated into the massage can enhance joint flexibility. On a spiritual plane, Lomi Lomi strives to bring about harmony and balance, making it not just a body massage but also a soulful healing journey.

Typically, clients are naked and draped with a sheet or towel during the Lomi massage, with areas being uncovered as they are being worked on. Due to the nature of the flowing strokes used in the technique, less clothing is preferable. Undergarments can be worn, but it's recommended to wear something minimal, like a bikini or underwear, to allow for full-range movement by the therapist. Before your session, discuss any concerns or preferences with your therapist to ensure your comfort.

The duration of a Lomi massage can vary based on individual needs and preferences. Common session lengths are 60, 90, or 120 minutes. If it's your first time experiencing Lomi Lomi, a 90-minute session is often recommended to allow ample time to fully experience the techniques and benefits. Always discuss with your therapist beforehand to determine the best duration for your needs.

Lomi massage is renowned for offering a host of benefits. It provides profound relaxation by easing muscle tension with its flowing strokes. Beyond just physical relaxation, the techniques employed in Lomi massage enhance blood flow and aid in the effective drainage of the lymphatic system. The experience can be deeply meditative, granting recipients a clear mind and an emotional release. As an added advantage, the gentle stretches and joint rotations integrated into the massage can enhance joint flexibility. On a spiritual plane, Lomi Lomi strives to bring about harmony and balance, making it not just a body massage but also a soulful healing journey.